About Us

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Our Philosophy

Psychotherapy Counseling Services LCSW PLLC is a group mental health practice, providing individual virtual mental health treatment for adults. Our aim is to heal and manage your anxiety, depression and other stressors. Our practice was built upon the passion to work and helping others who are often underserved and come from disadvantaged backgrounds. We utilize an anti-racist and racial equity framework when working with you. People deserve to have access to high-quality mental health care. 

Being heard is important. Our goal is to make you feel heard, understood and to feel safe. In our safe space, we will have transparent, authentic conversations that are geared to heal. We will both navigate realistic and simple strategies that can be applied while in therapy and after you leave therapy. 



The last thing you need is in finding a provider is more barriers. We work hard to remove any barriers from easy online scheduling, an ADA and accessible location and the option for tele-health sessions. Therapy your way. 


We provide sessions both in English and in Spanish

Culturally Sensitive and Anti-Racist

We acknowledge the role of how race, ethnicity, social class and other oppression that contribute to a person’s lived experience. In therapy, we invite you to discuss these identities within sessions. We also invite you to discuss your culture, beliefs and customs. 


We believe that everyone has the ability to heal and that your story comes from a place of strength. Our sessions will focus on your strengths, skills, and resources in order to facilitate the healing process. 


Mental health is sometimes difficult to navigate. We focus on working with you collaboratively to address your wellness needs. 


Sometimes you experience some form of trauma which can include childhood, neglect and abuse, domestic violence, community violence, natural disasters and others. These traumas can impact your emotional, physical and mental health. Our practice is built on ensuring that you have emotional and physical safety, and building a sense of control. Using this approach, our goal is to reduce the likelihood of being re-traumatized. 

LGBTQ Affirming

We understand how stigma and oppression that LGBTQ individual’s face, impacts your emotional, physical and mental health. We work with the LGBTQ community to gain an understanding of these stressors. We are a LGBTQ affirming therapists. 


We're here for you

"He is a great listener and gives thoughtful responses. This has been a helpful first therapy experience."

Let's get started

"Thorough listener and respectful responses. The first session was informative for both of us for the work ahead."

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"Good empathy and listener in the first session. Looking forward to building a relationship over time."

Are you ready to take the first step?

Meet Our Staff

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We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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